Workshop 2024

Mental health of managers: Current situation and challenges for prevention


Friday, May 31, 2024, 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
MIL Campus, Amphitheater A-3502.1, 3rd floor
1375 Ave Thérèse-Lavoie-Roux, Montreal, QC H2V 0B3, Metro Acadie



This workshop aims to better understand the mental health of managers (first-level managers, middle managers, senior managers, etc.) and to identify the factors that aggravate or protect them from problems such as psychological distress, professional exhaustion or even depression at work. It also aims to discuss the effective tools, resources or interventions at their disposal as well as the role that can be exercised by professional associations in this area.

The workshop brings together experts but also witnesses to such experiences around a diverse panel. The meeting is aimed at human resources managers, executive associations, employer representatives, prevention advisors, workplace intervention professionals, and so on.

This content has been updated on 3 June 2024 at 16h54.